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Your testimonials will fill in this space.

Coach A.J.


I began taking the edge in December 2014 to prepare for my alumni basketball game on January 31st 2015. I was pretty nervous about playing because I had not played basketball since, before my knee surgery, last March.  After my game, I was not as sore as I expected to be and my knee felt okay.  Of course, I was preparing physically for the game by going to the gym and running.  However, I do believe The Edge played a role, as well.  I will definitely continue using The Edge


Fatmata Conteh

Johns Hopkins University 2014

Future academic plans: Obtain my Psy.D

02The Miracle Molecule, The Edge, a Testimonial:

 I have been taking the Edge now for about four faithful months. Prior to the start of the Edge, I always had headaches, knee aches and   could not squat for longer than 10 seconds without screaming.  Thanks to the Edge, now I do not suffer from those headaches that sometimes awakened me in the middle of the night at two or three  am. Now,  I can also squat for as long as three to five minutes and/or counting up to 200 without pain. I do not hear those cracking noises in my joints or  knees .


I also want to thank both Coach AJ and Isra Girgrah Wynn for working with me on my journey  to focusing on my health which is the most important asset in my life. I am 54 years young and not taking any prescription drug, thanks to God and my mentors mentioned above for educating me, truly appreciate you ladies.




Marie Conteh.


03 I have a powerful testimony on the EnhancedcareMD(ECMD) Smart Choice. My daughter had  a cold with a productive cough for well over a week. While she was traveling to NYC yesterday, I suggested to her to contact the triage nurse at the ECMD Smart Choice. She did and was prescribed to pick up azithromycin at a nearby pharmacy  where she only paid $5 for consultation  and $3 for the medications.

Marie Conteh


“I'm a testimonial.


“I'm a testimonial.

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